Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Welcome aboard, mateys!

Things are changing in 2007. After being the last one in the western civilization to get a mobile - which I bought in February - I'm finally starting off my own blog. Beside my regular posts at our group-blog Die Bilderwumme I'll try to post some more stuff here.

For the posts at the Bilderwumme are usually not work related I'm going to post some artwork here I'm actually paid for. And maybe sketches and work-in-progress things. Maybe links and things?! We'll see.

I hope you'll come by regularly. And be sure to leave some comments!

Arrrrr, thanks for visiting anyway, you scurvy sons o' dogs!



PS: Maybe I'll also manage to fix my bike in 2007 ...


Michael Mantel said...

Ha, erster! Die Runde geht an mich.

Es geschehen doch noch Zeichen und Wunder. Herr Kurth betritt das Internet durch eine höchsteigene Pforte. Respekt! Ich bin gespannt auf die Dinge, die da kommen werden...

Anonymous said...


Da bin ich jetzt mal richtig gespannt, was es da jetzt noch so extra zu sehen geben wird!

Vielleicht manchmal auch ein bisschen Gaya-Nostalgie? *nudge nudge*

Musste ich jetzt einfach sagen. |^^|;

Aber was auch immer da kommen mag, kann's kaum erwarten!

Tay Yankovic said...

I'll be sure to visit often!

I can't read in German, but I wouldn't mind some "Gaya-Nostalgie". :D *nudge nudge*

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Great work and Super Blog !!!